EduQual becomes an SCQF Partnership Credit-Rating Body
EduQual is delighted to announce that it is now an SCQFP credit-rating body…
Once again, Health Education England (HEE) have selected EduQual to develop a range of education resources for use by those responsible for educating professional healthcare staff undertaking training. The key objectives of the project are to (i) increase learners’ understanding and knowledge of ‘population health and prevention’, and (ii) develop tools and recommendations to support and enhance education and learning around ‘population health and prevention’ at undergraduate and postgraduate level. To deliver this project, we will be working closely with key stakeholders such as Public Health England, NHS England, NHS Improvement, professional bodies, higher education institutions, commissioners of education and training, educators and learners. We will produce case studies for different professional groups which outline good practice, and will identify links to relevant learning resources.