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It is EduQual’s intention that all of our visitors should be able to access the information that they require on this website without difficulty.

We want your experience to be as easy as possible; and to this end we strive to comply with the principles and practices as detailed in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (Level AAA) guidelines.

Specific features of our site intended to aid ease of navigation include:

  • A Search facility
  • A Sitemap
  • The use of a clear, easy to read font with colour contrast
  • A link to this Accessibility page at the bottom of every page

Should you require further assistance in adapting your computer to better suit your individual needs, a guide as provided by the accessibility charity, AbilityNet can be found here.

EduQual are always keen to make improvements to the experience that we provide to our customers and any comments can be emailed to or posted to:

Riverbank House
1 Putney Bridge Approach

If you would prefer to speak to someone by telephone, please call: +44 20 3713 9457.