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Diploma in Digital Content Creation (SCQF Level 8)

Qualification Title Diploma in Digital Content Creation
SCQF Level 8
QCF / RQF / EQF Level * 5
Credits 120

* Equivalent level. See Qualifications can Cross Boundaries for a comparison of the UK and European Qualifications Frameworks.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is the national qualifications framework for Scotland. This qualification is credit-rated for the SCQF by EduQual. See the SCQF Qualifications Database for the full list of EduQual’s SCQF credit-rated qualifications.

This Qualification is intended to provide Learners with the opportunity to develop broad and integrative knowledge and skills, together with wider technical knowledge, in the field of Digital Content Creation.

The qualification develops a range of concepts, principles, approaches and practices at the national and international levels. Learners will have a wide range of opportunities to become more profound thinkers, able to objectively and critically assess situations, ask tough questions, solve problems, anticipate change and pro-actively implement solutions to meet challenges arising from a range of situations.

Some Learners may have been recently appointed to or are seeking progression to a leadership or managerial role within their organisation and wish to develop their knowledge and application of business management and operations principles and practices. They do not need to have any prior Qualifications, knowledge or experience before beginning one of these SCQF Level 8 Qualifications. However, they are expected to have the combination of potential and experience that will help them meet the demands of these Qualifications.

Programme Specification

Click here to read the Programme Specification for the Diploma in Digital Content Creation.

The qualification consists of the following 7 units:

Unit Title SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points
Advanced Graphic Design 8 8
Graphic Design 8 12
Mobile App Development 8 12
Pre-Press Printing 8 6
Web Design & Development 7 10
Digital Social Media Marketing 8 12
Research Project 8 60

Support Materials

Support materials are available to all of our approved centres, including full Programme and Unit specifications, and model assignments.


Successful Learners may choose to progress directly onto specialist areas of study at SCQF Level 11, such as the SVQ Management SCQF level 11.

Holders of this qualification can join a variety of UK degree programmes at an advanced stage. Degree top-up programmes can be delivered in the UK, locally, or by-distance/online. Contact us at for more information.

Sample Certificate

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